March of Dimes HVMP Application

March of Dimes HVMP Application

Type of Funding Request

The person with the disability is referred to as the “Applicant.” All questions should be answered by the Applicant or on their behalf. Please provide information for one Applicant per form.

Are you applying for:

Home Modification Questions

Is your home:
If rented, do you have landlord permission to install the equipment being requested?
Have you recently moved from an accessible to inaccessible home?
Have you tried to look for other suitable accommodations?
Is the home you are requesting modifications to your permanent residence?
Type of Home:

Vehicle Modification Questions

Is your vehicle:
Does the driver of the vehicle have a valid driver’s license?
Are you requesting driving controls?
If yes, are you certified/approved to use the hand control?

What type of mobility device(s) are you currently using? (Check all that apply):
Are you currently working with an Occupational Therapist who is supporting your modification, adaptation, or device request?
Are you currently working with a Equipment Supplier/Vendor, Contractor or Vehicle Modifier who is supporting your modification, adaptation, or device request?
If this is a Construction Home Modification has the contractor viewed your home?

Is your disability or request for modification the result of (check all the apply):

A workplace Injury:
A Motor Vehicle Collison:

Applicant Information:

This information helps us know how best to contact you about your application
Please contact me in the following ways:

Please provide an Alternative Contact Person. This person can speak on your behalf, and we will not contact you about your application. I acknowledge that by listing an Alternative Contact Person below I will not receive any information or correspondence about the outcome of my application.

Alternative Contact Person:

If the Applicant is under the age of 18, an adult must be identified. If you are the Power of Attorney / Legal Guardian for the Applicant, enter your information here.

Please contact me in the following ways:

Information About the Applicant

Check the areas of your home that you cannot access to perform activities of daily living (eating, bathing, toileting, transferring, and mobility) and/or getting in and out of your home to access essential medical care or community services?
Is the reason you need this modification because of employment?
If you received the modification, would you be able to seek or maintain a job?
Based on your answers above, what best describes your reason for needing the requested modifications, only select one.

Additional Funding Sources
Please tell us about all the other funding sources which have been approached to help pay for the
cost of your modification requests, including your own or family contributions.
The program will provide up to $15,000 for home and/or vehicle modifications. Any remaining cost
above $15,000 listed on the quotes provided with your application will need to be listed.

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3


I agree that March of Dimes Canada may contact me for the following reasons: (check all that apply)

Protection (Privacy) of Applicant Personal Information
March of Dimes Canada (MODC) collects personal information for a variety of purposes including the delivery of services, fundraising, quality management, research, billing, and meeting legal and regulatory requirements.
MODC utilizes several safeguard measures to protect personal information and keep it confidential and will not share any personal information with any third parties unless it is directly related to the delivery or enhancement of the services that MODC provides or unless a Canadian law requires it.
Personal information that is no longer required to fulfill the identified purposes will be destroyed, erased, or made anonymous. MODC has guidelines and procedures to prevent unauthorized access and to govern the destruction of personal information
The full MODC Personal Information Protection (Privacy) Policy is available on the MODC website or by request.


I fully understand the reasons March of Dimes Canada (MODC) has requested my personal information and I give consent to MODC to use my personal information for the purposes outlined. I also understand that I may withdraw my consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual obligations and reasonable notice, and that MODC will inform me of the implications of such withdrawal.
I certify that I am the Applicant’s Power of Attorney or Substitute Decision Maker